Resources for Spanish Language Instruction
Resources for Spanish Language Instruction

Spanish Language Instruction

Spanish language resources include online advice, dictionaries, courses, chat, and publications.
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Resources for Spanish Language Instruction

Foreign Language Learning Center at Southern Methodist University -annotated language links for students of world languages and cultures for Spanish - by subject. Integrating Technology into the Foreign Language Curriculum. (English)
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Spanish Sites

Spanish Sites. Costa Rica - history, culture, and travel information, Spanish and English text. Cuba - official website of Cuba, news, travel,... Last modified on: 21-Apr-1998 - 10K bytes - in English
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Spanish Course

Description: SPANISH (SPAN) SPAN 1301 Introductory Spanish for Non-Native Speakers I. Three semester hours. (2 semesters, 5 hours per week) An oral and written... Last modified on: 1-Jan-1996 - 9K bytes - in English
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Not Rated

Foreign Language Resources on the Internet

Foreign Language Resources on the Internet General Foreign Language Sites | French | German | Spanish. General Foreign Language Sites Ethnologue.... Last modified on: 12-Apr-1999 - 10K bytes - in English
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Resources for Spanish Language Instruction

Foreign Language Learning Center at Southern Methodist University -annotated language links for students of world languages and cultures for Spanish - by subject. Integrating Technology into the Foreign Language Curric ulum. (English)
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Spanish Language Resources

Spanish Language Resources Altavista en Español - search the Web in Spanish Basic Spanish for the Virtual Student - more than 50 modules covering pronunciation, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and other themes Center for the Study of Books in Span (English)
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Spanish Language Resources

Spanish Language Resources for high school students Spanish-English and English-Spanish dictionary Teach yourself about Conjugations, Subjunctive, Stem Changer, Subjects, Adjectives, Grammar, and Common Phrases You can take an entire course in Spanish at this (English)
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Spanish Language Resources

SPANISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES The following is a listing of resources relevant to the study of the Spanish language and cultures. Some of the resources found on these pages are World Wide Web sites, while others are resources available through the IUPUI Universit (English)
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SPANISH LANGUAGE STUDY resources from Nerd World Media

Large Index of SPANISH LANGUAGE STUDY related internet resources created by Nerd World Media. List your resource or Create your own Index.... Last modified on: 10-Aug-1999 - 11K bytes - in English
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Spanish Language Resources

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Language Resource Center, Web Resources (English)
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Spanish Language Resources

SPANISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES The following is a listing of resources relevant to the study of the Spanish language and cultures. Some of the resources found on these pages are World Wide Web sites, while others are resources available through the IUPUI Universit (English)
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Spanish Language Resources

Spanish CIA World Factbook Periodicos y Revistas Spain: ABC, daily newspaper Spain: Headlines from El Comercio Spain: La Vanguardia Electrónica [free registration needed] Argentina: Sintesis de Noticias - Cronista Comercial Chile: COPESA, Diario Electrónico Co (English)
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Spanish Language Resources

Newspapers/Magazines Spanish Newspapers/Culture Spanish Weekly News Summary Grammer/Language Spanish Language and Literature(Alcuin and Clemens libraries) Comp - Jugador - conjugates spanish verbs in all tenses Tecla: on-line spanish language magazine for lear (?)
Not Rated

Latin American/Spanish Language Resources

(a Spanish language "Yahoo") Virtual Tourist - South America Virtual Tourist - CentralAmerica/Caribbean Things LatinAmerica/Spanish Speaking Countries WWW at EgoWeb LatinWorld Yahoo ....
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Spanish-language resources on the Internet

Welcome! This page contains links to Spanish-language resources on the Internet. To visit any of these sites, just click on the site name. Dictionaries | Newspapers and magazines Spanish language resources ....
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Sitio de Informacion Y Noticias para el anciano hispano

 Media Advisory Cuidadores de Familiares sé Reúnen con la Secretaria Asistente para el Envejecimiento (9/27/99) Hispanic Heritage Month Issue of AoA Update ....
Not Rated


Spanish language resources for beginner - intermediate
Spanish language resources: penpal exchange, chat, message board, online tests, & more.
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Mexican Spanish Language Learning Resources

Spanish language learning resources and links are collected here for Spanish language teachers and learners.
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Spanish Language Resources on the Internet

Web links to literature, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, dictionaries, lessons, and meta lists in the Spanish language.
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Related World Wide Web Sites - Spanish-language Resources
Related World Wide Web Sites Spanish-language Resources Note: Many of these resources identify links to other Web sites. Adults should explore the links before encouraging students to use them. Not all of the links are appropriate for student use..
Not Rated

MEL: Spanish Language

Michigan Humanities About MEL: Humanities and Arts Humanities and Arts Index What's New? General Humanities Resources Language Index Spanish Language Basic Spanish for the Virtual Student (William L. Dechent, University of Missouri- Rolla) Online...
Not Rated

Resources for Parents & Teachers of Blind Kids

Foreign Language Materials
Resources for Foreign Language materials for the blind.
Not Rated

Spanish Language Resources

Multimedia Language Centre, York University
Spanish Audio Programmes Video Programmes Computer Software Programmes Websites Offering Resources for the Study of Spanish Spanish Home Page Spanish Courses Return To MLC Audio Programmes Adelante (3rd Ed.) A Concept Approach to Spanish (2nd Ed...
Not Rated

Penton Overseas

Spanish Language Resources
          Spanish Language Resources GLOBAL ACCESS® Up to 3 levels of study Fast, effective & easy-to-use Combines Penton's two best selling language learning ....
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SPANISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES Alta Vista Translation Service This tool will translate a web page from English to Spanish or Spanish to English. Basic Spanish for the Virtual Student Center for Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents Go..
Not Rated

Penton Overseas - Adult Spanish Language Resources

Adult Spanish Language Resources GLOBAL ACCESS® Up to 3 levels of study Fast, effective and easy-to-use Language course Combo of Penton's two best selling language learning programs LEARN IN YOUR CAR® Up to 3 levels of study Listening guide with...
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Links - Spanish Language Resources

Other Web Resources Spanish Language Resources Picardia Mexicana: An extensive dictionary of Mexican slang slickly arranged alphabetically in gopher retreivable folders. All you geologists who were wondering what was said to you when you were down..
Not Rated

Spanish Language Resources

Resources for Spanish Language Students Dictionaries Spanish to English Dictionary. English to Spanish Dictionary. A (much better)Dictionary for both English-Spanish and Spanish-English. The Sidwell Friends Home Page The Modern and Classical...
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List of Spanish Language Resources in the Wishard Library

List of Spanish Language Resources in the Wishard Library Medical Dictionaries Spanish-English, English-Spanish Medical Dictionary Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1992 W 13 M478s 1992 (1-Reference; 2-Circulating) Medical Phrase Books Bongiovanni.
Not Rated

Spanish Resources

Spanish Language Resources on the Web Welcome to the Spanish Resource Page of the Virginia Language Resource Bank. Feel free to use the resources on this page. If you have a link that you think might be a suitable, quality addition, please e-mail...
Not Rated

SCMRE Spanish Language Resources

Not Rated

Spanish Language Resources

Newspapers/Magazines Spanish Newspapers/Culture Spanish Weekly News Summary Grammer/Language Spanish Language and Literature(Alcuin and Clemens libraries) Comp - Jugador - conjugates spanish verbs in all tenses Tecla: on-line spanish language magazine for lear (?)
Not Rated

Bienvenido a los enlaces hispanicos de Coqui

Spanish sites on the Internet....included are sites to help you learn Spanish and Spanish language resources.... Last modified on: 16-May-1999 - 10K bytes - in Spanish
Not Rated


SPANISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES Alta Vista Translation Service This tool will translate a web page from English to Spanish or Spanish to English. Basic Spanish for the Virtual Student Center for Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents Go translator s (English)
Not Rated

Spanish Language, Japan

Spanish Language Resources, specially related to Japan. Index of Schools, Translators, Bookstores & more, ƒXƒyƒCƒ" ƒXƒyƒCƒ"Œê (Español)
Not Rated

Latina Writers, Culture, and Spanish Language Links

Latina Writers, Culture, and Spanish Language. Hello and welcome to my Latina Literature Homepage. This page was constructed as a final project for... Last modified on: 7-Oct-1998 - 10K bytes - in English
Not Rated

Spanish Resources

Iberia. Latin American/Spanish Language Resources. Political Database of the Americas. Spanish Grammar, Literature, Press.... Last modified on: 13-Aug-1999 - 11K bytes - in English
Not Rated

LFC Library-Guide for Latin American Web Sources

Resources for Spanish 320 on the World Wide Web Compiled by Donnelley Library Staff Navigating the Web Latin America Guides and Tools Spanish Guides Spanish Language Resources - Newspapers, Literature etc. Human Rights Sites Trade Agreement Sites Guides to Cit (English)
Not Rated

Internet Resources by Subject -- Spanish

Internet Resources by Subject -- Spanish Language & Literature Please direct questions, comments or suggestions to Anita Cannon, Librarian.Last modified: Jan. 7, 1999.

Department of Education

Teaching Spanish Webspañol- an awesome site for Spanish language beginners with a nice set of lesson links and much other information. Basic Spanish Words with Pronounciation - basic vocabulary with sound file pronunciation guides.

E-Resources for Latin American Studies

E-Resources for Latin American Studies La Era, Diego Rivera, © Banco de Mexico The purpose of this website is to facilitate study, teaching, research, and library services on Latin American topics.

Resources for Spanish Language and Literature

Resources for Spanish Language and Literature Bibliographer: Paula Covington Phone: 322-6282 E-Mail: General sources with links to many sites

Provides documents and chat areas for those interested in the 0 - 6 population - in Spanish. Allows discussions around topics without additional software.


Links and topics related to Globegate,& Welcome& to.

Juan's Espanol Pagina

This page contains stuff I am learning in my spanish class, which so far has been a lot of fun. The fun I attribute to my instructors, Senior Esteban (Stephen) Campbell y Ms.

Links to EgoWeb-Ain't I beautiful?

Places with links to Felipe's Home Page Webmastery InforSpain WWW Ph.D. Program and IIBR resources at UT Pan Am ITC - Castellano SUNY Cortland FLTEACH WWW Spin's Chile page Macintosh WWW Tools Compendium Other Mexican WWW Sites, etc. at UMASS TidBITS#298/09-Oc (English)
Not Rated

Spanish Language Resources

Save 15% or more when you order online! Spanish Language Resources $0.00 | | Item #: Language-minority children are the fastest growing segment of the United States' school-age population. According to the 1990 census, approximately 10 percent of...
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Foreign Language Resources

Foreign Language Resources Dictionaries and Translators - translation dictionaries and chat systems for over 40 countries. Foreign Language for Travelers - provides basic words, numbers, directions. places, times and dates in a variety of languages.
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Language Resources

New Lebanon Central School District Language Resources Common Errors in English Online Writing Lab Research - "A 1001 topics for anything" Basic Spanish for the Virtual Student Gramatica y ortografia española by Juan Manuel Soto Learn...
Not Rated

Parker Language Department

Parker Foreign Language Department French | German | | Spanish Foreign Language Resources Eurodicautom: Free on-line translation database in 10 languages (abbreviations, defintions, phraseology,..) International Tongue Twisters Language Links from..
Not Rated

Orradre Library

French Language Resources German Language Resources Spanish Language Resources Spanish Good Starting Points Coleman Websites for Hispanists (List of Web sites for students and instructors of the Spanish Language)
Not Rated

RHS Library's ESL & Spanish Resources

Rusk HSLibrary's Web Guide ESL & Spanish | ESL Resources | Dictionaries & Translators | Spanish Language | ESL Resources ESL Home Page This page from the Language Learning Lab at the University of Illinois is a starting point for ESL learners who...
Not Rated

Foreign Language Curriculum Resources

Foreign Language Curriculum Resources Travlang front page Learn how to speak over 60 languages. Teaching With the Web The site is a compilation of ideas for using WWW resources as a language teaching tool. It also offers links to sites that have...
Not Rated

The KGHC Spanish Club

The KGHC Spanish Club Starting Places for Broad Information The Yahoo! Search Categories for Spain provides links to all kinds of information on Spain. The Yahoo! Search Categories for Latin America You can start here, narrow down your search to Central or Sou (English)
Not Rated

Patty Zuker's Home Page

Patty Zuker Academic Coordinator Spanish Language Program Linguistics Department University of California San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0108 phone: 619-534-2525 fax: 619-534-4789 email: Spanish Language Resources on the Interne (English)
Not Rated

Miscellaneous Spanish Resources

Miscellaneous Spanish Resources. Yamada Spanish WWW Guide /guides/spanish.html This site at the University of Oregon... Last modified on: 22-Apr-1998 - 10K bytes - in English
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Schoolhouse: Second Language Learning: Spanish. Information: Buber's Basque Page buber/Basque/ Casa de Su Majestad el... Last modified on: 8-Aug-1999 - 11K bytes - in English
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Guides and Directories

g u i d e s & d i r e c t o r i e s. These sites serve as guides and searching tools for information in Spanish available on the Web, information... Last modified on: 22-Jul-1999 - 11K bytes - in English
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